Cambridge Health Alliance Center for Mindfulness and Compassion (CMC) Mental Health Resources

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Community Mindfullness Resources


Community and Practice

CHA Center for Mindfulness and Compassion

CMC aims to enhance the health and well-being of CHA's diverse community by integrating mindfulness and compassion into health care. CMC envisions a vibrant center that cultivates mindfulness and compassion in the following areas: patient care, clinician and staff well-being, professional education and training, our communities, and scientific research.

1035 Cambridge St, Ste 21 A, Cambridge, MA 02141

Current Covid-19 response Daily Free Live-Online Community Practice in English, Spanish, and Portuguese:

Mindful Boston

Mindful Boston is a meditation practice studio located in Cambridge. It offers free community meditation sessions, as well as MBSR programs, and mindfulness workshops. In addition, Mindful Boston offers free online resources such as guided mindfulness meditations.

694 Massachusetts Avenue, Central Square, Cambridge MA 02139

The Arlington Center, Arlington MA

The Arlington Center offers groups, workshops and services in movement, meditation, and wellness.

369 Mass Ave, Arlington, MA

Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

The Cambridge Insight MEditation Center is a nonprofit, nonresidential urban center for the practice of Insight Meditation. Located in the heart of Cambridge, CIMC provides an environment where the contemplative life can be developed and protected amid the complexities of city living. Here, people of all religious, non-religious, and philosophical persuasions, can come together to learn, support, and deepen practice.

331 Broadway St, Cambridge MA, 02139 

Insight Meditation Society (IMS)

IMS is one of the Western World's oldest and most-respected meditation retreat centers.

Barre, MA


Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health

Lenox MA


Yoga International

Connect and study with 500+ expert teachers across yoga therapy, anatomy, meditation, and more. The world's most diverse yoga site. Asana/yoga classes, resources, articles, and videos. Free 14 day trial membership.


Cushions, Mats, and other meditation supplies


Dharma Crafts


Sun & Moon Originals




The Mindful Way Workbook. John Teasdale, Mark Williams, Zindel Segal. The workbook was developed by the same authors who created MBCT and is designed for self-guided learning of the MBCT curriculum. It includes audios with guided practices for the program.

The Mindful Way through Depression. Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn. This book was written for the public by the authors who developed MBCT to provide background for the program including the research evidence for its effectiveness.

Full Catastrophe Living, 2nd Edition. Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion. Chris Germer

The Mindfulness Solution. Ron Siegel

Sitting Together. Susan Pollak, Paul Fulton, Ron Siegel

Calming your anxious mind: How mindfulness & compassion can free you from anxiety, fear & panic. Brantley, J.


Guided Mindfulness Recordings

All available online for free at:

CHA Center for Mindfulness and Compassion

Mindfulness Recordings and Resources

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

Guided Mindfulness Practices

UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Website

Guided Mindfulness Practices

Sitting Together Website

Guided Mindfulness and Compassion Practices

Center for Mindful Self-Compassion Website

Guided Compassion and Self-Compassion Practices

Tara Brach Website

Guided Practices


Popular Mindfulness Apps



Free app for iPhone and Android

Insight Timer

Free app for iPhone and Android

Stop, Breathe & Think

Free app for iPhone, Android, and Web


Free app for iPhone and Android

The Mindfulness Training App

Free app for iPhone


Free app for iPhone and Android


Strengthening Your Practice (SYP) clinical groups

SYP is an insurance based group for people who have completed MBCT or MTPC and are CHA patients. There are two different online 12-week groups meeting weekly for 1 hour. Group placement to be determined by which type of insurance you have.

CMC 8-week courses - public evening programs, fee-based

  • MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • MSC Mindful Self-Compassion
  • MTLW Mindfulness Training for Living Well
  • CHA patients (with PCP at CHA) receive 50% discount

Daily Free Live-Online Community Practices

  • Community resource in the time of Covid-19
  • Free for all (CHA and beyond)
  • Linnks to live Zoom sessions - schedule available on website above

Online CMC Resources

  • Audio and video recordings of guided practices
  • Book and smartphone App recommendations
  • Written practice scripts

A program of:

Office of Government and Community Relations

The Job Connector by MIT was created as part of the community benefits package of the VolpeMIT rezoning.